What is AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?

- AMEX Account Protector Ultimate is an optional Credit Insurance product offered to American Express Cardmembers. Benefits can include coverage for the following:
- Life
- Dismemberment
- Critical Illness
- Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment Income
- Total Disability with Positive Life Events
- Disability Requiring Hospitalization
- Accidental Death at Age 80 or Over
Who is the underwriter for this insurance?

- American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) are the underwriters of this coverage. ABIC, ABLAC, and their subsidiaries and affiliates carry
on business in Canada under the name of Assurant.
How do I enroll?

- Enrolling online is easy! Visit the enrollment section of our website to review the product details, including the Certificate of Insurance. Then complete the online application.
I am enrolled in this program – is my spouse covered too?

- As the Insured Cardmember who has enrolled in this coverage, your Spouse is also covered for the following benefits:
- Life
- Total Disability
- Critical Illness
- Accidental Death
- Dismemberment
Certain limitations and exclusions apply. Refer to the Certificate of Insurance for eligibility details.
How do I know if I am eligible for AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?

- To be eligible, you must be the primary Cardmember of an American Express Credit Card with an account in good standing. You must also be a resident of Canada and at least 18 years old and less than 70 years old
at time of enrollment.
Are there any health questions or a medical exam required to enroll?

- There are no health questions or medical exams required to determine eligibility. However, critical illness benefits may be limited if a pre-existing condition exists. See the Certificate of Insurance for full terms, limitations and exclusions.
How much does this insurance cost?

- Visit the cost of coverage section to learn more.
How do I pay for my AMEX Account Protector Ultimate coverage?

- The premium, plus applicable taxes, is charged to your American Express Credit Card Account on a monthly basis when your account’s outstanding balance is greater than zero.
What if I miss a bill payment? Am I still covered under this insurance?

- You are eligible for coverage as long as your American Express Credit Card Account is in good standing (as defined in your Cardmember’s agreement).
When does coverage begin?

- Coverage begins on the Effective Date stated in the Welcome Letter you receive with your Certificate of Insurance upon enrolling in the product.
I enrolled in AMEX Account Protector Ultimate online and was approved. What happens next?

- A welcome package containing your Certificate of Insurance will be mailed to the address we have on file for you. We’ll also send you an email confirmation to the email address we have on file.
Why was my application for AMEX Account Protector Ultimate denied?

- Your application may have been denied because you did not meet our eligibility requirements or you have coverage.
What changes happen with my coverage once I reach age 70?

- Your coverage for Life and Dismemberment continues through to age 80; however, coverage for Critical Illness, Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment, Disability requiring Hospitalization and Total Disability,
along with coverage for Positive Life Events, will terminate. At the age of 70 years the cost of this insurance program reduces from $0.99 to $0.69 per $100 of your current month’s outstanding balance
(up to $20,000).
What changes happen with my coverage once I reach age 80?

- At age 80, your Life coverage will be limited to Accidental Death but your Dismemberment coverage will continue. All other coverages terminate at age 70.
If I submit a claim and receive a benefit, does my coverage terminate?

- Coverage does not cease if you receive a benefit for Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment Income, Disability Requiring Hospitalization, Total Disability, or Positive Life Events. If you receive a benefit
for Critical Illness, Life, Accidental Death or Dismemberment, your coverage will be terminated.
Can I cancel my coverage at any time?

- Yes, you may cancel your coverage at any time. To do so, you may contact Assurant by phone at 1-800-708-0807. Cancellation takes effect on the next statement date following receipt of
the request by Assurant.
If I am enrolled in this coverage, when does this insurance end? Can American Express or Assurant cancel this coverage?

- Your insurance coverage will end as follows (whichever occurs first):
- One or more of the Group Master Policies are terminated;
- The next Statement Date after we receive your request to end this insurance coverage;
- The date your credit privileges on your Account are revoked;
- The date your American Express Card Account is terminated;
- The date of the Group Member’s death;
- On the next Account Statement Date after your 70th birthday for Involuntary Unemployment, Disability Requiring Hospitalization, Total Disability with Positive Life Events, Loss of Self-Employment
Income and Critical Illness coverage;
- On the next Account Statement Date after your 80th birthday for Life coverage, while Dismemberment coverage continues and Accidental Death coverage begins (Accidental Death coverage begins for you on the
next Account Statement Date after your 80th birthday);
- The date on which a Life, Dismemberment, Accidental Death or Critical Illness benefit is paid; or
- If you change credit card products with American Express and all 15 digits of Your American Express credit card changes.